Designed and written at the heart of IFS solutions, IFS Human Resources Management (HCM) is the lifeblood of every organization. As globalization and technologies constantly change the implementation of work, an integrated and flexible ERP solution that turns these changes into an advantage becomes crucial. In strategic sourcing and planning, talent development, time and expense allocation, performance management and core HR for global companies, IFS Human Resource Management helps develop people for the teams of tomorrow, today.
What resources do you need for your strategy to be successful? What skills will they need? Where will they be stationed? How many? Have you taken into account wear based on baseline data? Planning for future sourcing requirements and how they will be met is a critical component of achieving your strategic goals. IFS solutions provide strategy calculation and people planning process capability and density information data. Going one step further, the same data can be used by budgeting and forecasting teams. This way you ensure that the finances are in place to carry out the plans.
Time is cash; This makes the time spent posting to projects and cost centers an important means of capturing time-based cost. Add to this the complexity of demonstrating the role of variable rates, agreement, authorization and qualification, and you need a time-based costing engine. IFS provides complex time-based costing, including direct expenses payable based on your specific requirements. With elements tied to time payments via payroll and a fully integrated travel and expense solution, you have the means to allocate and pay in accordance with your corporate, legal and/or contractual rules.
The people in your organization should be high-performing assets and all assets that need to perform optimally. With all regular review periods, important ones should include self-assessment, recognition of goals, performance measures, feedback and managerial guidance. IFS Human Resources Management ensures that performance is managed with a flexible solution that allows it to be appropriately evaluated by employees and managers when needed.
Roles are changing with globalization, improvements in commercially available technologies, and changes in parties' expectations and trends. Talent development in organizations is an essential part of accelerating business advancements as well as keeping valuable people connected. Whether incumbent, partner, outsourced or nurturing, IFS talent management helps companies ensure the people with the right skills are in the right place at the right time.
What resources do you need for your strategy to be successful? What skills will they need? Where will they be stationed? How many? Have you taken into account wear based on baseline data? Planning for future sourcing requirements and how they will be met is a critical component of achieving your strategic goals. IFS solutions provide strategy calculation and people planning process capability and density information data. Going one step further, the same data can be used by budgeting and forecasting teams. This way you ensure that the finances are in place to carry out the plans.